Our lives, without a doubt go through different chapters. One would hope as each chapter progresses we learn from it. As many of you know I was 27 when I decided that I would write my own story and in the greater sense, take my life back. I was worried about living, about my health, and wondering if I was a ticking time bomb about to go off in a form of a heart attack. Now as I look back in my 29+ years in this world, that day I walked into the gym to change for good, is up there with some of the biggest accomplishments in my life.
A year went by and I got through the hard times of wanting to quit. All those self doubts that spoke to me daily, after a year, was a subtle whisper that popped it’s head in at the most random times. I learned to deal with it. People often ask me how, and where did the will power come from. The answer is simple, I just want to live.
I was wandering on Facebook early October and came across Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s page. For those who don’t know or don’t follow him, he tends to be very active in his social media life. The status was a simple one “This is my reward for 150 consecutive days of eating clean.. One. Legendary. Day. Work hard and earn your rewards” It got me thinking, if someone in such great shape like Dwayne would dedicate 5 months to his body and bring it to the next level, why not I attempt to do the same thing but on my own personal level.
I admit my lifestyle has change dramatically since March of 2011, and with that my food changed. I won’t say it’s a diet because that would be setting yourself up for an “end” date. But if it’s a lifestyle change, that has the potential to stick around for good. The general concept was to take away the junk foods, heavily increase my protein intake, limit the useless carbs and continue to work out daily and see where I can take my mind and body. As with anything, their were gaps before I started this challenge. I still had small cravings for sugar, ate certain foods that I couldn’t tell you if it was mostly natural or if it did more harm then good. I had gaps that I needed to fix. It was more for the inside of my body then the appearance on the outside. The Rock sparked the idea, I simply ran with it.
I decided November 1st would be a good day to start. I went on Facebook to tell the world what I would attempt. I wasn’t sure exactly what Dwayne Johnson did for 150 days but I came to this conclusion for myself. I would go 90 days on as close to a complete natural diet as possible. Meaning, I would eliminate these highly processed foods that contained preservatives, I would check the labels, I would study what was what, I would not voluntarily have any sugary snacks (at the start of the challenge I was “treating” myself to frozen yogurt a few times a week) and I would not have any white flour, or anything that’s “enriched”
Simple enough. I already had very good eating habits, so in my mind this challenge would be a walk in the park. Not so fast...
You wouldn’t believe how many different types of food contain highly toxic, extremely addictive preservatives. According to various research and articles written on the subject 90% of food consumed in American is filled with the bad stuff. http://www.gracelinks.org/385/additives Even simple things that I took for granted like ketchup has preservatives like High Fructose Corn Syrup. What I found more astonishing was what the labels on many of these products stated. I would find myself reading the front of a label seeing “all natural” but, if you simply turned it over to the ingredients it would tell a different story.
A SIDE NOTE: It was around this time when a friend from across the world (thanks Lala) told me I should watch a video about food. I listened and downloaded it. I have to tell you guys something, I was floored. I suggest anybody that wants to jump start their life to a better you should go ahead and buy/download or get a copy by any means necessary. The videos title is Hungry For Change. The official site is http://www.hungryforchange.tv/ It pretty much sums up what I learned in the last 90 days. The food we typically eat does more harm then good, and you need to make a daily conscience effort in what goes into your body. You treat it well with the right fuel and it rewards you with focus, strength, health and for many a new body.
I decided I would write down everything I ate for the 90 days for this very post. As I look at it now it becomes apparent things I love to eat, things that fuel me daily, and things that I can’t imagine not eating.
I would say the top of my list were the ISatori "Eat Smart" Protein bars. I decided that even though it is not 100% natural (but very close to it) I would continue to have this as my go to protein. The people at the company are amazing as well, and that added to my choice to go with them. You can’t get a better taste and texture for a bar then this. It’s worth it, and the benifits I have gtten and continue to get from these bars are worth it. http://www.isatoritech.com/Product1.aspx?SID=8&Product_ID=167 for more info.
Another huge source of protein and an amazing snack is Natural Greek Yogurt. I’ve tried a bunch and what wins in the overall race is FAGE(pronounced Fa-yeh) I go with the 0% or 2% type so that the amount of calories are limited but the taste stays the same. Throw in some chia seeds and hemp seeds for added health value and it keeps you from getting hungry again all while giving your body vitamins it probably lacks. Other Small snacks like almonds or trail mix are always a safe bet.
I personally do not eat red meat, pork or shellfish. So chicken is my go to when it comes to actual real food. I am a man of repetition, so having grilled chicken with simple natural seasoning and various veggies will never get old to me. It’s important to find what works for you, what foods you will never get tired of and that will give you the nutrients you need. Remember most of us live in a world of plenty, so make sure the "plenty" is healthy.
A lot can happen to your body in 7 days if you start eating right. So why not start now. Like this very instant. Stop being the person wishing and wondering about the “what if”. Your body is waiting for that moment when you give it hope. It’s just like buying a really expensive car, would you simply take it out the lot and drive it around crashing into trees or will you be careful and take care of it. Why should your body be any different.
It took about 3 or 4 week of eating as natural as I can, drinking veggie juices and smoothies and not having any added sugar for my body to crave that way of eating. In the middle of the day I would have an urge for a green juice. My body would crave cucumbers, celery, kale and carrots. I thought my body was decently healthy before, but now I see the difference in my skin and the way my inside feels. I’m not talking muscle definition (though that has continued to grow as well), but I’m talking about how you feel from the inside out. I can now taste when foods have extra sugar added for taste, I can also feel it soon after I begin digesting it. After 90 days it takes little or no effort to eat natural, to subconsciously go for what is good for my health. After 90 days, everything I ingest has meaning. I have become so strong willed I have no worry about going out with my buddies and enjoy the night knowing that I have no intention of drinking pointless calories while making my liver and other vital organs work extra hard for no reason. After 90 days, things have become so clear. I learned that as far as the options of food in this country are concerned we are given false information with billions of dollars of marketing pushing people to become unhealthy. I can tell you why, but that’s for another post.
Concentrate on what you put in your body as a daily challenge. I'm not saying don't ever have cheat days, those are destined to happen. Just have the knowledge of what is going in your body. I found myself in Chicago a few weeks ago and went out for deep dish pizza. By the end of the meal I felt somewhat high, a bit dizzy and overall like crap. Was it worth it? Well, it was pretty damn good, but the after effects were rough. Running later that night, was as if I was running with rocks in my shoes. But I work hard so that every so often I can enjoy those meals, even if it is short lived and quickly reminds me why I love to work out and eat healthy.
So now, my 90 days are done. And you know what I really realized? As everyone has asked me "are you gonna have a cheat day and have whatever you want to eat and drink" or "what happens now" it hit me like a ton of bricks. After 90 days, I no longer want to have those foods with preservatives, I do not crave drinking, I don't crave sugar. What happened in 90 days, is that my body was given a fresh start. An educated start, as if I went to the next grade in school. So why should I get left back? We live in a world were chapters are made daily sometimes by others but many times by yourself. My next chapter includes the NYC marathon, pushing my body to it's limits and then pushing it some more. It involves being an inspiration to others. It involves to continue to educate myself on the world, on my life, my body and soul. Will I eventually have that cup of frozen yogurt from 16 Handles in the city? Most likely. But will it taste the way I remember it? I'll bet that it won't. It's forward movement, and it up to you to move your foot ahead of your other foot and repeat. There is no going back to my life before this 90 day challenge. It would go completely against what I've been working for, both in my life and my career. We all can have excuses, work through it. I know you can because I did.
Stay focused friends.
"Success isn't always about "greatness" It's about consistency. Consistent hard work gains success. Greatness will come" Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for the inspiration.
So with out further ado, here is my last 90 days including my general workouts and even the days a messed up..
*Pancakes are protein based and are made from MetRX - metrx.com
Day 1-back
Isatori Bar
Quest bar
Protein Smoothie banana blueberry plum
Trail mix/peanuts
Turkey burger w/salad
Yogurt /quest bar
Day 2 legs/cardio
Isatori bar
Quest bar (pb flavor)
Bag of peanuts/ banana
Isatori/asparagus/avocado/green beans (small salad from salad bar)
Quest bar /trail mix
Day 3 -chest
Protein Pancakes
Blueberry yogurt
Salad bar - asparagus, bok choy, boiled chicken, random veggies (carrots, snow peas)
Isatori bar/banana
Day 4 - arms
Smoothie with syntax 6(protein)
Peanuts/trail mix
Isatori bar/trail mix
Greek Yogurt /blueberries/raspberries
Day 5 - traps/abs
Isatori bar
Protein pancakes (with snytax-6)
Smoothie with syntax 6
Isatori bar
Small mix of veggies with some poultry mix (grilled chicken and turnkey)
Quest bar (cinnamon) Small mix of veggies with some poultry mix (grilled chicken and turnkey)
Day 6 - triceps - HIIT
satori bar
2 small pieces of bake chicken/ veggie protein smoothie w/parsley, cilantro,banana and blueberries and 1 squeezed orange
Quest bar
Mix grilled chicken Salad/olive oil salt pepper
Day 7 -back (free weights)
Veggie protein smoothie
Almonds---Mixed salad with chicken
yogurt /blueberries & trail mix
Day 8 -cardio
Pancakes and chia seeds
Veggie protein smoothie with kale/parsley/cilantro/carrot/banana/blueberries
Quest bar
Day 9 lunges/barbell squats/cardio - HIIT
Protein Pancakes
Veggie smoothie
Isatori/mixed nuts
Mixed salad/chicken asparagus avocado etc
Greek yogurt
Day 10 - Chest
Veggie smoothie
Mixed small veggie salad.
Mix of chicken/broccoli rabe/asparagus/veggie
Day 11 - day off
Isatori bar
Shitake mushroom burger w/hemp seed bread and side salad
Isatori (cinnamon)
Quest bar
Day 12 HIIT cardio
Veggie smoothie
Mixed nuts /veggie juice
Mixed salad
Quest bar
Salad buffet (mainly broccoli rabe)
Day 14 - Deadlifts /back
Veggie smoothie/2 small left over pancakes
Salad oil&vin with broccoli rabe
Day 14 - chest
Isatori bar
Quinoa with carrots kale and tofu /guac on side
Quest bar
Day 15 -triceps /cardio
Isatori bar
Salmon w/broccoli and mixed veggies
Veggie juice
Quest bar/banana
Day 16- squats/legs
Veggie juice
6 eggs
Chicken stew/salad
Quest bar/banana
Day 17 -cardio
6 eggs whites / avocado
Isatori bar
Quest bar
Mixed green salad w/chicken
Quest bar
Isatori bar
Day 18 - cardio
4 eggs with some boneless chicken
Isatori bar
Greek Yogurt
Isatori cinnamon
Isatori Chocolate
Day 19 -day off
Chicken avocado Salad
Quest bar
Trail mix / juicer mix
Cobb salad
Day 20 -cardio (10.5 miles)
Quest bar
Veggie juice and and a little chicken
Salmon with veggies and asparagus
Day 21 chest/cardio
Isatori /juicing
Egg whites /string beans/avocado
Day 22 -cardio 6.2 miles
Quest bar
Day 23 -
Eggs whites/string beans/avocado
Mixed salad w/salmon and quinoa
Naked juice
Day 24 - cardio 6.5 miles
Quest bar
Eggs with veggies
Day 25 - day off
Salmon with veggies
Isatori /juice
Day 26 - off
Day 27 - urbanathlon 9.5 miles
Isatori bar/banana
Garden salad
Turkey/cod fish mix (buffet)
Day 28 - recovering
Isatori bar
Chicken salad/mixed nuts
2 turkey patties w/avocado
Day 29 - hurricane (stuck inside)
Chicken breast w/almonds
Chicken with salad avocado
Day 30 -5 mile run
Isatori bar
Quinoa/asparagus/chicken/mixed salad
Day 31 - chest-2.25 cardio
Pancakes w/egg whites
Chicken breast.
Yogurt with hemp and chia
Mixed nuts
Day 32 month 2!! 7 mile run
Isatori bar
Day 33 -back
Boneless chicken
Day 34 -off
Mixed salad w/chicken and beets/carrots/etc
Mixed nuts
Day 35 - legs/3.25 run
2 veggie burgers with mustard and some chicken
Chicken /juice
2 veggie burgers with mustard and some avocado
Day 36 -Deadlifts / 6.5 mile run
Eggs omelet w/onions tomatoes avocado
Juice /isatori
Mixed buffet with grilled chicken/broccoli rabe/carrots
Day 37 - chest/biceps
2 veggie burgers with onions/ketchup
Day 38 -travel
Chicken/lentil soup.
Day 39 - travel
Lentil soup
Chicken salad/edamame
Chicken wrap/veggies
Day 40 - triceps
Pancakes / banana
2 veggie burgers
Baked salmon w/guacamole & quinoa
Day 41 - rehearsal/travel :(
Pancakes/3 eggs
Chicken salad/edamame salad
Isatori bar
Bok Choy/squash/kale/chickpeas
Day 42 - 18.2 mile run!!
Eggs/tomatoes/mushrooms/cucumbers with a banana
Eggs/tomatoes/mushrooms/cucumbers with a banana
Day 43
Protein smoothie w/blueberries
Chicken salad/edamame/yogurt
Day 44 - 5 miles
Isatori /yogurt
Curry chicken
Chicken salad
Day 45 -
Chicken sandwich w/wheat roll
Isatori /peanuts
Turkey /quinoa/salad/chicken
Day 46 - 3.6 mile run/elliptical
2 eggs/banana
Half wheat bagel
Flat bread chicken sandwich
Mixed salad/yogurt
Day 47
Chicken salad
Mixed veggies/cheese
Day 48
2 chicken legs
Sushi /edamame /seaweed salad
Day 49 -13.1 mile run
Chicken masala/jasmine rice
Mixed nuts
Day 50 -Deadlifts/biceps
Protein shake
Day 51
Chicken salad
Day 52 - 7 mile run
4 eggs
Day 53
Thanksgiving dinner
Cake :(
Soley turkey 2nd serving
Day 54 7.6 mile run
Raisins/chocolate :(
Turkey dinner w/some brown rice
Small serving of turkey. Lol
Day 55
Turkey /sweet mashed potatoes
Small serving of chicken
Quinoa/squash burger an salad with chocolate martini. (Worth it!!)
Day 56 - squats
Protein shake
Chicken with Spinach
Sushi brown rice (tuna & salmon)
6 eggs
Day 57 chest/bi
Turkey /sweet potatoes
Pastèl and nuts
Day 58 deadlifts/legs
Quinoa w/egg whites
Day 59 - dips/biceps/traps
Mixed salad with Tuna
I satori
Tuna salad & kind bar.
Day 60 - back/triceps
Eggs -half iSatori Bar
Protein shake
Yogurt/tuna salad/peanuts/kind bar
Egg whites/quinoa
Day 61 - 5 mile run
Baked Chicken and beans
Quest bar and protein cookies/nuts
Juice/Greek yogurt
Day 62 -delts/biceps
Protein shake
Day 63- 5mile run
Kind bar/green juice /1 protein cooking
Salmon burger w/no bun
Day 64 -circuit upper body
Protein shake
Cobb salad
Chicken Marsala /bread /veggies
Day 65
Eggs/feta/spinach - wheat bread :(
Salad and tilapia
Day 66 biceps/barbell Deadlifts/abs
4 eggs wheat toast
2 chicken burgers & yogurt with chia/hemp
Day 67 -6.2 mile /abs
Yogurt/trail mix
Asparagus mixed greens
Sushi w/brown rice
Day 68 - chest/traps/abs
6 egg whites &1 whole egg
Cod fish with veggies
Nuts/green juice
Day 69 - triceps
Mixed nuts
Salmon w/Lima beans
Yogurt /mixed nuts /banana
Green Juice
Day 70 - 4.5
Chicken thighs
Protein shake
Tilapia with beets & rice
Protein shake (casein)
Day 71 -Deadlifts /light abs
Protein shot/cashews
Raw veggies/cheese/fruit
Protein shake (casein)
Day 72 - 6.3 mile run 1 mile elliptical /dips
Turkey mixed black beans/chickpea
Green juice
Day 73 5.2 mile run bi/obliques
Day 74 - 3 miles jog
7 egg whites/green juice
Chicken breast/asparagus
I satori /small cup of green juice
Day 75 - day off
ISatori/green juice
2 eggs
2 corn tortilla with black beans/salmon
Mix of carrots (small cup of gluten free pasta) 4 small biscuits w/cheese (holiday party) no drinking :)
Day 76 9.5 mile Run
7 egg whites
Small serving of chicken
Mix platter of duck and veggies
Day 77
Pastelle(Spanish food)
Cod fish/baked chicken/beans/plantains
Day 78. -chest
Pastelle (Spanish specialty)
Day 79 - 2.5 mile and pull ups
4 pouched eggs
Half baked chicken
Whole wheat chicken sandwich
Day 80 - 3.1 mile run
Yogurt/kind bar
Cobb salad
Greek salad
Deep dish pizza
Day 81
Hummus wrap
Cheese mix with various sides
Salmon bok choy salad
Day 82 - 2.5 mile run/chin ups
Trail mix/banana/ yogurt
Mixed salad w/chicken
4 turkey sliders and spinach salad
Day 83 -travel
Chicken/hummus sandwich on whole wheat
Trail mix w/black bean chips
Day 84
Trail mix
Salad/small serving of pasta w/cheese
Day 85
Chicken Soup and a random egg
Lots of trail mix
Salmon squash and mixed salad(2 servings)
Baked chicken/soup
Day 86
ISatori bar
Christmas dinner (turkey, corn, beans and small portion of rice)
Slice of cake/chocolate raisins
Trail mix
Quest bar
Day 87
White meat chicken with veggies, and various Thai food
ISatori bar
Day 88 - biceps/traps
Egg whites
Various veggie/cheese/hummus/flaxseed chips
Day 89 - chest
Grilles chicken and guacamole
Yogurt /peanuts
Day 90 - dead lifts/upper back
6 egg whites
Yogurt /trail mix
A look into my mind, things I love and the beauty of it all. Join the journey! www.facebook.com/albertriverajazz
Monday, December 31, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Food For Thought
At times, you need to listen to what the world is telling you - Albert |
Saturday, December 1, 2012
The Curtis Brothers and I wish for World Peace, and it starts with our children
I was fortunate to work with the Curtis Brothers on a new record for the holiday season. It's an incredible album with so much music. The track I am on "Let Them Be Children" is an amazing song in the world of John Coltrane. I decided to create a music video for the song, since I was so pleased on how the track came out. If you like what you hear support the albums and the Curtis Brother's Record Label here at www.TruthRevolutionRecords.com
In listening to the song and know how all of us think, the meaning of the song took place. Just like many of you, I wish the world to be at peace. It's a simple idea, yet so difficult to accomplished. I've personally witnessed the power of music, so consider this our own fight against the destruction of war. I can only hope. And without further ado, Enjoy the video, feel free to comment and remember to share and like till your hearts content.
In listening to the song and know how all of us think, the meaning of the song took place. Just like many of you, I wish the world to be at peace. It's a simple idea, yet so difficult to accomplished. I've personally witnessed the power of music, so consider this our own fight against the destruction of war. I can only hope. And without further ado, Enjoy the video, feel free to comment and remember to share and like till your hearts content.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
How I lost 80lbs and changed my life.
It's been some time since my last post. But I am back, and I have a special video for you guys. It's been amazing how many people have contacted me with their stories of getting healthy and being inspired. I always get tons of emails and at times it's hard to answer it all. So I decided to make a video of my journey for the last 1 and half or so. I hope this inspires others to continue to a life of healthy living! Enjoy!
Feel free to share with the world.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Interview with Marina Kamen on HighNRG Fitness Radio
If you have not seen the interview, sit back relax and getting to laugh your ass off. One of the most entertaining interviews I've done in my life. Here is part 1. I swear..I think I need my own reality show with people like this involved. Guaranteed success!
Health and music..what a mix!
For more info about Marina and the Radio show go to http://ftns.co/team/marina-kamen/
For more info about Marina and the Radio show go to http://ftns.co/team/marina-kamen/
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
"Excalibur" - The Unleashed Band - Album coming soon, Stay Tuned!
Here is a live TV show we did in Hamden, CT for CPTV. It was an amazing day and more videos coming soon. It's a sneak peek in to my new Live album coming out this summer! Please enjoy and share!
For more Youtube videos click here Albert Rivera's Youtube Videos
For more Youtube videos click here Albert Rivera's Youtube Videos
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
With Transformation, comes Smart Supplementation

A quick picture as I received my package from ISatori this morning while at the offices in Litchfield Performing Arts. (if we are friends in facebook then you saw the pic! facebook.com/albertriverajazz (request me!!)
Crazy how spring is here and the school is starting to fill up. Feel free to contact me if you guys and gals have any questions. Let's change our lives together.
Don't forget to "follow" my new twitter page and future website (soon to be launched) at www.twitter.com/journey2t (Journey2transform) Eventually I want to hear how you plan on changing your life!
Till next time!
"Impossible is just another reason to not give up"
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
A day into how I eat to increase my metabolism
Hey everyone! So I decided to make a quick video and speak about ways that I eat that help increase your chances of losing body fat. This is just a simple overview of a typical day, and it works for me. You guys/gals can always try it if you seem to need a fresh new to way start a new way of eating. Remember 1 change a day can make all the difference.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
What are you worth?
It's a simple question with a full range of answers. If you never have asked yourself what are you worth, maybe today is the day you do. We all need to understand how important each and everyone of us is to this world. In fact, without you there would be no me. It's a simple idea really, we all live in this world, we all seek to better ourselves, and we want the best in any scenario. The problem is many of us grew up with a sense of being lost. Not all of us were lucky enough to grow up with 2 supportive parents, who were financially stable, who were caring, understanding and seemed to know all the solutions at any given time. In fact, many of us had the view point from the other side of things. Maybe some of us came from a single parent, or a struggling household, or maybe some of us even came from no stable household at all..and that shaped how we view things to this day.
I'm here to tell you, to let go of that past, and re-evaluate for the future. Not one of you reading this is destined to be a failure, or not be successful. We are all are here to do great things. So what are you worth? I say you are worth more then you know. It just depends on how hard you're willing to work on things.
Do you deserve happiness?
Of course! But happiness will never come to those who do not seek it. It only begins to see the light in you when you decide to be happy. Many of us concentrate on the negative of it all. The broken relationships, the long days at work, the general loneliness, but we live in a world that is deeper then those simple negative ideas. Think about it, the very fact that you are reading this on a computer screen or a mobile phone speaks wonders on how lucky you are in this world.
Never let a little discouragement take you away from your bigger plan. Sit down and think about what it is that you want to accomplish, have a definite goal, write it down, say it out loud and believe it. Say it so much to everyone you know, say it in front of a mirror, say it out loud to the world even if no one is around, because the moment you truly believe that you can, is when things will start to change.
You want to start a business? Believe and trust that you are the best, and just go for it. Want to get in shape and restart your life, just do it. Believe that you can. It doesn't matter if it's 10 pounds or 150 pounds...your mind is the only thing in this world that will limit you from success. The very mind that you ultimately control. So what's stopping you. You're worth more then what you even know.
There may be days when you feel low, or opinions that are told to you may have more of an impact then it should, but just let it go. When someone says you can't, know that you simply could. It all starts with understanding what you are worth. It's a simple combination on mind, body and spirit. The combination of those 3 makes you unstoppable. It makes you know and truly believe that you are worth it. Because for the first time in your life, when you ask yourself how much you are worth..you can smile and happily say "I am priceless"
I'm here to tell you, to let go of that past, and re-evaluate for the future. Not one of you reading this is destined to be a failure, or not be successful. We are all are here to do great things. So what are you worth? I say you are worth more then you know. It just depends on how hard you're willing to work on things.
Do you deserve happiness?
Of course! But happiness will never come to those who do not seek it. It only begins to see the light in you when you decide to be happy. Many of us concentrate on the negative of it all. The broken relationships, the long days at work, the general loneliness, but we live in a world that is deeper then those simple negative ideas. Think about it, the very fact that you are reading this on a computer screen or a mobile phone speaks wonders on how lucky you are in this world.
Never let a little discouragement take you away from your bigger plan. Sit down and think about what it is that you want to accomplish, have a definite goal, write it down, say it out loud and believe it. Say it so much to everyone you know, say it in front of a mirror, say it out loud to the world even if no one is around, because the moment you truly believe that you can, is when things will start to change.
You want to start a business? Believe and trust that you are the best, and just go for it. Want to get in shape and restart your life, just do it. Believe that you can. It doesn't matter if it's 10 pounds or 150 pounds...your mind is the only thing in this world that will limit you from success. The very mind that you ultimately control. So what's stopping you. You're worth more then what you even know.
There may be days when you feel low, or opinions that are told to you may have more of an impact then it should, but just let it go. When someone says you can't, know that you simply could. It all starts with understanding what you are worth. It's a simple combination on mind, body and spirit. The combination of those 3 makes you unstoppable. It makes you know and truly believe that you are worth it. Because for the first time in your life, when you ask yourself how much you are worth..you can smile and happily say "I am priceless"
Saturday, March 17, 2012
My Journey, My Transformation - A Look into the the last 12 months
What a week this has been. I had no idea that a simple before and after picture would have such an impact in the online community. It was such an amazing feeling to know you guys could sense the motivation I put in my life in the past year to achieve a new way of life and at the same time I could feel the love from each and every one of you in support. It was unbelievable to see that photo get shared and re-shared and tweeted all around, reaching different parts of the world. I just saw this morning it went around parts of Brazil and London. My sole intention was to inspire the few that may have needed inspiration, but this reaction is way better. Because with this reaction, it reached more people then I myself single handily could have reached. I can't begin to thank you all enough, for it is because of people like you who help push people forward with positiveness, which ends up being why success is never that far.
I'm writing this blog post for many reasons.One of which is that I got so many emails on the "How" of my year journey and the "Why" I tried to email everyone back, so if I missed you, my apologizes. Another reason i'm writing this is because a lot of you wanted to understand my mentality, eating habits and overall goals. I found myself writing to people semi-similar responses. So by this format, it can reach those who want more.
For the longest I can remember weight has been an underlining problem I faced. I was never the biggest kid in class, but as all of us know growing up can be tough, being an overweight kid makes things tougher. I always said to myself one day I would change my body for the better. I just never knew it would take me 28 years. Better late then never right?
The day I made up my mind and the journey that followed:
I remember the day I decided to change things up. There was nothing out of the ordinary in the day. I was just tired of the pain and the tiredness my body was showing. My blood pressure was starting to rise, and my joints was always hurting. I use to read about people on a monthly basis that changed their lives like in the Belly Off Club in Men's Health Magazine. If they could do it, why not I?
The first day in the gym was hard. I felt out of place, a bit confused and overwhelmed. I was certain on 3 things, I had to start weight training, I needed to do cardio and I needed to start eating correctly. You often see these commercials that promise you weight lose if you take a pill or a special shake. I'm smart enough to know that's not the way it works. So cardio, weight training and eating was the way to go.
The first mile I ran was like the never ending mile. I jogged most of the way and got through it. I threw in some weights in the mix right after and I was happy about how I felt. The next day was probably just as important as the first...because if this was the way to physical happiness, then excuses were no longer permitted. I was tired and sore, but regardless I made it to the gym. I went almost everyday that month. A 1 mile jog became a 1 mile run. After a month, spending time on the elliptical as well, that mile run became decent 2. I was on my way....
The biggest thing I learned in this year was that even though the gym is important, building healthy eating habits was just as important, if not more. Cutting out all types of enriched white flour, processed foods and lowering my carb intake was huge. It's not as hard as it sounds. There is no reason any of you guys need to eat white bread, or some snacks that are made in a factory with ingredients that you have never heard of. Imagine what impact it is having on your body as it tries to break it down for energy. Most likely your body is simply going to store it and in time, make it into fat. Make the smart choice, I'm not saying limit everything because that is a sure way to fail. Just be smart. You always have a choice. The more natural you go, the better you feel.
I learned a saying this year that guides me daily. I think if there is a such thing as a "Secret" it would be this. In life when ever you are faced with a decision simply ask yourself, how can I make this better. It applies universally but in the case of food choices, it will save your life. So a simple example would be having the choice of white bread, or multi-grain bread. Once you ask yourself that question, you will always go for the better choice. Or maybe you find your self thirsty, you can go for a coke, or go for club soda. Ask yourself the question, and you will find yourself making the correct choice.
A few months passed and I was in the swing of things. I was going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week. My schedule is always hectic as a professional jazz musician, but just as I always had enough time in the day to surf the web, check my facebook or catch some TV, I simply knew I had no excuses to not go to the gym. I ended up seeing an advertisement for the Men's Health Urbanathlon 10 miles of running that included obstacles through out. I never ran a race in my life, and deep inside i'm a competitor so I felt this would be perfect in keeping me focused on my health. Once I paid the registration fee, it almost made me feel even more obligated to work out. I didn't want to do a race that I simply couldn't finish. So training wasn't a choice, it became a lifestyle.
I think it's important to find something that you love fitness wise and really jump in to it. It might be swimming, biking or running. Whatever it is, know that their is a community out there that will support you. Running did it for me. I haven't stopped running since.
Surrounding yourself with like minded people is huge. How can you change your lifestyle if everyone that you hang out with eat a certain way and drink a certain way. You have to make a decision. What's more important. Living a long healthy life, or party hard and end your existence early? I chose life. I'm not saying you get rid of your best friends by any means. But in the beginning it's important to surround yourself with a support system. Being unhealthy and or overweight is no different then having a drinking problem or a drug problem. Having that support is what gets you through the tough times. The key is to develop a confidence in knowing what works for you. Building the confidence that if you go out with your friends falling to peer pressure is not an option. Your friends are your friends, and if they understand your struggle, they will be their to support. If not, find yourselves new friends.
I was fortunate that I had a great friend who decided to do the same races as me, train with me when we had the opportunity and talk about how to train. Andrew Hadro was my "partner in crime" as the saying goes. We haven't looked back.
Finding the right foods for to fuel you is another important factor. I do not eat red meat or pork, so chicken and fish is a big part of my diet. I also found out that certain veggies made me feel even more amazing then before, asparagus is my go to snack.
Eating through out the day is key to making your body in to a fat burning machine. People often think opposite. The less I eat the less I weigh, granted the bottom line of losing weight is amount of calories in versus amount of calories out (hitting the gym, walking around, daily activities) But If you concentrate on a larger number of smaller meals a day you will never feel hungry, your metabolisms starts to speed up and in turn you start to lose weight. A key in doing this correctly is increasing your amount of protein in your diet. If you are really trying to change your ways, this will push you exactly where you need to be. There are some good protein shakes available that taste great. And if you are on the go, I found a company who's bars literally taste like a crunch bar. It's called Eat-Smart bars by ISatori. This has been my saving grace because since it taste so much like a dessert/snack it kept all my serious cravings away. It's not the dirt taste most bars have. Not quiet sure how they have mastered the art of it, but trust me this is the one to go with.
Setting up small goals:
To many people think about the overall larger goal. "I wanna lose 80 lbs by the summer" This almost always sets you up for a bit of failure. Think smaller goals that are attainable. What everyone needs to know is that if you complete a bunch of little goals, eventually you will have reached every goal you ever wanted. No one expects to be able to run a full marathon on the the very first try with out running a few smaller races beforehand. You build up to it, and when the opportunity arises you crush it. With no doubt in your mind because you took the time to prepare. It's no different for weight lose. Slow and steady wins the race. I lost 75lbs this year, but the way I lost it was by losing 1 at a time. For every 1 pound lost, the dream of becoming fit became a reality.
On a side note, some of the extra keys to my fat loss was Interval training It is one of the best ways to do so. (just click on the link for a detailed description) and muscle confusion for those who end up being very dedicated will also guarantee results. (Think P90x) My suggestion is taking bits and pieces from things that you like and create your own work out. Consistency is key.
There is not one thing that I can tell you that will make you change. I can simply give you advice on the how. In the end it is up to YOU to decide that you want a change. No one can trick you into running, or eating healthy. In the end, it is you who decides to sweat. You have to think about what is important to you. I decided that I wanted to live a full productive life, both mentally and physically. I have to much that I care for, to many things to do, to many people to help to end my time on this world prematurely. I knew that making this decision saved my life in the long run. It was my decision in that I wanted to live that really sparked the flame. Figure out what that means to you. Maybe you have a newborn child, recently married, or a new career that you love and want to enjoy. What ever the reason is, make it a good one. It was my reason to want to live that got me through the days of not wanting to continue, or being to tired to go on. I made it count, and now I make everyday count.
Signing up for the New York Road Runners was a great decision I made. In a way it holds me accountable if I don't stay in shape. Races are on going and I compete with myself to get a better time. My goal is running the ING New York Marathon in 2013. A year ago 26.2 miles seemed impossible, but in a year impossible easily changed it's meaning.
Don't be the person that makes excuses why you shouldn't. Excuses are easy ways to hide. Having kids, a career, a family or all valid points, but I too sustain a very busy schedule through out the year, travel often, always working on various projects and days always seem to be to short. So if I didn't use any of those excuses...what's yours?
Be the change you want to become, say out loud that you are "worth the time and the effort to become the better you". That person inside of you is waiting to come out, at times it is screaming to come out..just take a listen. I was just like you, i'm just a normal guy who put my mind to it. There was no secret game plan, no expensive trainers or coaches. Just me, and my mind knowing that every sore muscle in my body was it's way of thanking me. That every drip of sweat that flowed out of me was my body excited at the potential of what could be and what will be.
Be the inspiration that I hope I am for some of you. Change your life because life is worth it. Let the doubters in your life disappear. Let the of the ones that tell you that it's impossible. Because if there is one thing I truly learned in my journey, it is that "Impossible is just another reason not to quit"
I would like to thank everyone who has been part of my journey-
Andrew Hadro, Isatori, Men's Health, The entire team at LPA, My B Smith Crew, Ali, NYRR, The entire Facebook Family, Planet Fitness for being so affordable and an extra thanks to all of you that have shared this story! Let's continue to be a positive force.
I'm writing this blog post for many reasons.One of which is that I got so many emails on the "How" of my year journey and the "Why" I tried to email everyone back, so if I missed you, my apologizes. Another reason i'm writing this is because a lot of you wanted to understand my mentality, eating habits and overall goals. I found myself writing to people semi-similar responses. So by this format, it can reach those who want more.
For the longest I can remember weight has been an underlining problem I faced. I was never the biggest kid in class, but as all of us know growing up can be tough, being an overweight kid makes things tougher. I always said to myself one day I would change my body for the better. I just never knew it would take me 28 years. Better late then never right?
The day I made up my mind and the journey that followed:
I remember the day I decided to change things up. There was nothing out of the ordinary in the day. I was just tired of the pain and the tiredness my body was showing. My blood pressure was starting to rise, and my joints was always hurting. I use to read about people on a monthly basis that changed their lives like in the Belly Off Club in Men's Health Magazine. If they could do it, why not I?
The first day in the gym was hard. I felt out of place, a bit confused and overwhelmed. I was certain on 3 things, I had to start weight training, I needed to do cardio and I needed to start eating correctly. You often see these commercials that promise you weight lose if you take a pill or a special shake. I'm smart enough to know that's not the way it works. So cardio, weight training and eating was the way to go.
The first mile I ran was like the never ending mile. I jogged most of the way and got through it. I threw in some weights in the mix right after and I was happy about how I felt. The next day was probably just as important as the first...because if this was the way to physical happiness, then excuses were no longer permitted. I was tired and sore, but regardless I made it to the gym. I went almost everyday that month. A 1 mile jog became a 1 mile run. After a month, spending time on the elliptical as well, that mile run became decent 2. I was on my way....
The biggest thing I learned in this year was that even though the gym is important, building healthy eating habits was just as important, if not more. Cutting out all types of enriched white flour, processed foods and lowering my carb intake was huge. It's not as hard as it sounds. There is no reason any of you guys need to eat white bread, or some snacks that are made in a factory with ingredients that you have never heard of. Imagine what impact it is having on your body as it tries to break it down for energy. Most likely your body is simply going to store it and in time, make it into fat. Make the smart choice, I'm not saying limit everything because that is a sure way to fail. Just be smart. You always have a choice. The more natural you go, the better you feel.
I learned a saying this year that guides me daily. I think if there is a such thing as a "Secret" it would be this. In life when ever you are faced with a decision simply ask yourself, how can I make this better. It applies universally but in the case of food choices, it will save your life. So a simple example would be having the choice of white bread, or multi-grain bread. Once you ask yourself that question, you will always go for the better choice. Or maybe you find your self thirsty, you can go for a coke, or go for club soda. Ask yourself the question, and you will find yourself making the correct choice.
A few months passed and I was in the swing of things. I was going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week. My schedule is always hectic as a professional jazz musician, but just as I always had enough time in the day to surf the web, check my facebook or catch some TV, I simply knew I had no excuses to not go to the gym. I ended up seeing an advertisement for the Men's Health Urbanathlon 10 miles of running that included obstacles through out. I never ran a race in my life, and deep inside i'm a competitor so I felt this would be perfect in keeping me focused on my health. Once I paid the registration fee, it almost made me feel even more obligated to work out. I didn't want to do a race that I simply couldn't finish. So training wasn't a choice, it became a lifestyle.
I think it's important to find something that you love fitness wise and really jump in to it. It might be swimming, biking or running. Whatever it is, know that their is a community out there that will support you. Running did it for me. I haven't stopped running since.
Surrounding yourself with like minded people is huge. How can you change your lifestyle if everyone that you hang out with eat a certain way and drink a certain way. You have to make a decision. What's more important. Living a long healthy life, or party hard and end your existence early? I chose life. I'm not saying you get rid of your best friends by any means. But in the beginning it's important to surround yourself with a support system. Being unhealthy and or overweight is no different then having a drinking problem or a drug problem. Having that support is what gets you through the tough times. The key is to develop a confidence in knowing what works for you. Building the confidence that if you go out with your friends falling to peer pressure is not an option. Your friends are your friends, and if they understand your struggle, they will be their to support. If not, find yourselves new friends.
I was fortunate that I had a great friend who decided to do the same races as me, train with me when we had the opportunity and talk about how to train. Andrew Hadro was my "partner in crime" as the saying goes. We haven't looked back.
Finding the right foods for to fuel you is another important factor. I do not eat red meat or pork, so chicken and fish is a big part of my diet. I also found out that certain veggies made me feel even more amazing then before, asparagus is my go to snack.
Eating through out the day is key to making your body in to a fat burning machine. People often think opposite. The less I eat the less I weigh, granted the bottom line of losing weight is amount of calories in versus amount of calories out (hitting the gym, walking around, daily activities) But If you concentrate on a larger number of smaller meals a day you will never feel hungry, your metabolisms starts to speed up and in turn you start to lose weight. A key in doing this correctly is increasing your amount of protein in your diet. If you are really trying to change your ways, this will push you exactly where you need to be. There are some good protein shakes available that taste great. And if you are on the go, I found a company who's bars literally taste like a crunch bar. It's called Eat-Smart bars by ISatori. This has been my saving grace because since it taste so much like a dessert/snack it kept all my serious cravings away. It's not the dirt taste most bars have. Not quiet sure how they have mastered the art of it, but trust me this is the one to go with.
Setting up small goals:
To many people think about the overall larger goal. "I wanna lose 80 lbs by the summer" This almost always sets you up for a bit of failure. Think smaller goals that are attainable. What everyone needs to know is that if you complete a bunch of little goals, eventually you will have reached every goal you ever wanted. No one expects to be able to run a full marathon on the the very first try with out running a few smaller races beforehand. You build up to it, and when the opportunity arises you crush it. With no doubt in your mind because you took the time to prepare. It's no different for weight lose. Slow and steady wins the race. I lost 75lbs this year, but the way I lost it was by losing 1 at a time. For every 1 pound lost, the dream of becoming fit became a reality.
On a side note, some of the extra keys to my fat loss was Interval training It is one of the best ways to do so. (just click on the link for a detailed description) and muscle confusion for those who end up being very dedicated will also guarantee results. (Think P90x) My suggestion is taking bits and pieces from things that you like and create your own work out. Consistency is key.
There is not one thing that I can tell you that will make you change. I can simply give you advice on the how. In the end it is up to YOU to decide that you want a change. No one can trick you into running, or eating healthy. In the end, it is you who decides to sweat. You have to think about what is important to you. I decided that I wanted to live a full productive life, both mentally and physically. I have to much that I care for, to many things to do, to many people to help to end my time on this world prematurely. I knew that making this decision saved my life in the long run. It was my decision in that I wanted to live that really sparked the flame. Figure out what that means to you. Maybe you have a newborn child, recently married, or a new career that you love and want to enjoy. What ever the reason is, make it a good one. It was my reason to want to live that got me through the days of not wanting to continue, or being to tired to go on. I made it count, and now I make everyday count.
Signing up for the New York Road Runners was a great decision I made. In a way it holds me accountable if I don't stay in shape. Races are on going and I compete with myself to get a better time. My goal is running the ING New York Marathon in 2013. A year ago 26.2 miles seemed impossible, but in a year impossible easily changed it's meaning.
Don't be the person that makes excuses why you shouldn't. Excuses are easy ways to hide. Having kids, a career, a family or all valid points, but I too sustain a very busy schedule through out the year, travel often, always working on various projects and days always seem to be to short. So if I didn't use any of those excuses...what's yours?
Be the change you want to become, say out loud that you are "worth the time and the effort to become the better you". That person inside of you is waiting to come out, at times it is screaming to come out..just take a listen. I was just like you, i'm just a normal guy who put my mind to it. There was no secret game plan, no expensive trainers or coaches. Just me, and my mind knowing that every sore muscle in my body was it's way of thanking me. That every drip of sweat that flowed out of me was my body excited at the potential of what could be and what will be.
Be the inspiration that I hope I am for some of you. Change your life because life is worth it. Let the doubters in your life disappear. Let the of the ones that tell you that it's impossible. Because if there is one thing I truly learned in my journey, it is that "Impossible is just another reason not to quit"
I would like to thank everyone who has been part of my journey-
Andrew Hadro, Isatori, Men's Health, The entire team at LPA, My B Smith Crew, Ali, NYRR, The entire Facebook Family, Planet Fitness for being so affordable and an extra thanks to all of you that have shared this story! Let's continue to be a positive force.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
2012 Chamber Music America Recipient
A few months ago Vita Muir, the Executive Director of Litchfield Performing Arts told me she was interested in applying for a Chamber Music America Grant. Of course, I was excited to take part of this journey but being that this was the first go at this illustrious grant, I felt that even if I wasn't selected the learning process would be a good lesson learned. It took almost a week of work, sitting down and discussing, writing, and of course...writing some more. We were confident and we sent it off with smiles and hopes. We new what we would present was a great project, but it was out of our hands. Vita believed in me and this project, and So did I.
Well a few months went by and here we are. A call came into the office (I happen to be in the office that day working on Jazz Camp) with the news. I was selected and was named a recipient for this year. I can't explain the joy I felt go through my body. I was calm yet felt euphoric.
What you guys need to understand is that I work so hard at this craft. It is no doubt my calling to be an artist. To write music and share it to the world, but this craft comes with a price. It's a daily struggle of figuring out who you are deep within, the day to day hustle of maintaining a career and with that the day to day expenses that come with living. Could I have been anything else in this world if I put my mind to it, Sure. I could have went to a great college, go on to get a degree in a field that may be a bit less stressful at times. But when you live the life I live, and understand how amazing it truly is and love what you do, I can't imagine "Working" a day in my life. I wake up excited and try to never let the stereotypes of what being a musician is affect the way I am as a person.
I submitted a number of years in a row before I was named an ASCAP Young Jazz Composers recipient. It was worth the effort, I represented the winners that year with a performance that I will never forget. Now being a recipient of Chamber Music America it simply continues to add fuel to the fire that is still a huge part of my life. The music I compose is from my mind and heart. It special to me because I am unique to this world. There is only one of me, and because there is only one of me, what I do in this world needs to be special. My goal is to leave a mark of positiveness in this world before I exit. It's just nice when other people give you props. It reminds you that what you and I are doing...is simply perfect to each his or her eyes.
I grew up as the Puerto Rican kid from the Bronx who was raised by a single mother. Their were never any excuses, never an easy way out, no money to help... She did her best the only way she knew how to and looking back that was amazing enough. Now that I'm the adult, It's simply my turn to continue....
Friday, February 17, 2012
So I was thinking..
I put a quote on Facebook early today. Sometimes people wonder if my status are just some witty quotes I read passingly or if it was something that came from me and my experiences. I try to take a bit from both...but in this case..it was all me.
"Don't let your past define you, in fact all you have to do is let your past do what it should do - Put things in perspective so you can see how much we have all grown"
In my life and my travels I've had the fortunate chance to meet so many people from so many different backgrounds. And of all the diverse stories that I have heard, 1 point stays true. Everyone has become the person that they are, based on what they have been through. Is that I bad thing? Absolutely not...but the moment that people never take the time to look back and see how it developed them, it can be a slippery ride without breaks.
You always have a choice, you chose to be sad, you chose to be happy. You chose to smile, to laugh, and to enjoy life. People often use their childhood, or negative past situations to define how the rest of their lives should be. And to me, that just might not be the right mindset. I remember as I stepped into my life as a 20 year old, things just clicked. I said to myself that no longer would I let my past define me. I would only allow it to be part of my story in the end of the day. That it would make my story that much better and more interesting for those who were fortunate to be in the know. That was it, it was a simple choice and I haven't looked back. It was like finding this lost secret that was so obvious, the smack that came from it left a mark...granted more mentally then physically.
I had every reason to use my past as an excuse. But do I? I sure hope not. I can't say that my past and all that I got out of it is tucked away in some magical volt that only spews out the good memories, but I was able to learn from it, like where I came from, the mistakes I made as a young adult, and now I'm able to fully appreciate what life has to offer. I wouldn't take back anything that I was a part of. No regrets, only memories I can grow from.
I am writing this is because I see so many people simply repeating a cycle that they already know the outcome for. Parents who had children at a young age seemingly repeats itself in future generations, relationships that people find themselves in that they know are no good, but because it's what they are use to they allow it to continue. We are all worth more then that. Don't you agree??
It takes a lot to let go, and start off new. Sometimes the best person to imitate to a certain degree is a newborn. They are experiencing everything for the first time, so even though its unrealistic to actually do so...why not just try. You never know..the second "first" time might just be exactly what you need to let the past do what it's meant to do. Let it be the past, so you can begin living again, for the present.
"Don't let your past define you, in fact all you have to do is let your past do what it should do - Put things in perspective so you can see how much we have all grown"
In my life and my travels I've had the fortunate chance to meet so many people from so many different backgrounds. And of all the diverse stories that I have heard, 1 point stays true. Everyone has become the person that they are, based on what they have been through. Is that I bad thing? Absolutely not...but the moment that people never take the time to look back and see how it developed them, it can be a slippery ride without breaks.
You always have a choice, you chose to be sad, you chose to be happy. You chose to smile, to laugh, and to enjoy life. People often use their childhood, or negative past situations to define how the rest of their lives should be. And to me, that just might not be the right mindset. I remember as I stepped into my life as a 20 year old, things just clicked. I said to myself that no longer would I let my past define me. I would only allow it to be part of my story in the end of the day. That it would make my story that much better and more interesting for those who were fortunate to be in the know. That was it, it was a simple choice and I haven't looked back. It was like finding this lost secret that was so obvious, the smack that came from it left a mark...granted more mentally then physically.
I had every reason to use my past as an excuse. But do I? I sure hope not. I can't say that my past and all that I got out of it is tucked away in some magical volt that only spews out the good memories, but I was able to learn from it, like where I came from, the mistakes I made as a young adult, and now I'm able to fully appreciate what life has to offer. I wouldn't take back anything that I was a part of. No regrets, only memories I can grow from.
I am writing this is because I see so many people simply repeating a cycle that they already know the outcome for. Parents who had children at a young age seemingly repeats itself in future generations, relationships that people find themselves in that they know are no good, but because it's what they are use to they allow it to continue. We are all worth more then that. Don't you agree??
It takes a lot to let go, and start off new. Sometimes the best person to imitate to a certain degree is a newborn. They are experiencing everything for the first time, so even though its unrealistic to actually do so...why not just try. You never know..the second "first" time might just be exactly what you need to let the past do what it's meant to do. Let it be the past, so you can begin living again, for the present.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Nicki Minaj...The Modern Day Clown Show
I know I tend to stay on the positive side. Cause that what life is about. But every so often something comes out in this industry (music) that just shows a state of where music is in. I recently saw Nicki Minaj new music video "Stupid Hoe" It's a diss track to a fellow female rapper Lil Kim. Anyway, for those who listen to this stuff..here's my thoughts. The way I see it, the more the music gets on this pathetic level, the more of a chance that people will wake up and start listen to real music again! who knows..maybe jazz can be in the forefront once again! One can dream right?
Hip Hop,
nicki Minaj,
Fordham Manor, Bronx, NY, USA
Sunday, January 29, 2012
You guys are amazing...Yeah you..the reader.
Because you guys and gals are still visiting this blog instead of the new one, I will simply update both!! Easy right? Thank you for the support..
If you are interested in following or visiting the other post, it is www.livinglife2life.blogspot.com
Either way, it's fine! Thank you!
If you are interested in following or visiting the other post, it is www.livinglife2life.blogspot.com
Either way, it's fine! Thank you!
I'm Convinced...
I'm convinced that life is what you make it. It's not what you see on t.v nor hear on the radio. It's not about the pictures in magazines, or the overly used similar endings in a Hollywood movie. It's about the present, the right now, the moment you decide to live.
I often wonder when I realized it. It wasn't a clear day that I can recall. Matter of fact, whenever I try to recall anything of my younger self, it usually involves me saying "What was I thinking?" But so is life, you live, and you learn. Ideally you grow with each experience whether good or bad but always remember that in the end you still are living.
People worry to much about the past, the negative emotions usually are what spark memories and that I do understand, but I wish I could tell people and have them realize... it will be ok. Not that I know their future or have a secret power that will guarantee happiness, I simply just know. And that's it.
If you say to yourself, right this moment that "things will be great and from this moment, this very second, things are great"...then things simply will be great.
One thing I can say that I learned from my childhood is that if I can figure out how to truly be happy then anyone can. Just like everyone, we all have our moments of trials and tribulations. And soon after, you are met with the infamous "fork" on the road. It may not be obvious, or at the moment even important, but the decision made, leads you down a path and you can't go back. Have no fear, because just as this road starts, another fork is never to far ahead. It's always about a choice. The beauty of living is that you get multiple times to make it right.
How bad can it be. I bet I can put things in perspective. So you lost your phone? Well at least it wasn't your job. Lost an opportunity? That's just life saying one that's better is on it's way. Have a broken heart? Just means you're one less heartbreak away from finding the one. It's all how you view it. I'm convinced.
The past is a powerful force. You can't just erase the bad and keep the good, it's a package deal. The secret is to out weight it with the beauty of your life. Holding on to the past only gives it more power then it already has. Focus on the good, the positive change you want to become and to see with in others. I know there are people who are so hurt or focused on the past sadness, they barely can take a moment and focus on what's around. If you just stop and look around, you'll realize it's amazing.
You're alive, you woke up today with new opportunities and as far as you want to go, is based solely on how far you can imagine. In my mind, since you woke up, you are already ahead of the game. Some weren't so lucky.
I was in 4th grade when a friend on mine passed. He didn't have a choice in the matter, he knew even at his young age his time was numbered, yet he always had a smile, he was always kind and after all these years I still like to think his life had a purpose. If I learned one thing from that memory, was that each day is a gift. So ask yourself.. "Are you living?" I can honestly say I am.. I'm definitely convinced.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
No excuses, now go out and live!

No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training.. What a disgrace it is for a man to grown old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. —Socrates
Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness.— Earl of Derby
Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it. — Author Unknown
Money is the most envied, but the least enjoyed. Health is the most enjoyed, but the least envied. — Charles Caleb Colton
Pain is temporary. Quitting lasts forever. — Lance Armstrong
working out
Bronx, NY, USA
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
So A little change...But don't worry! I'm still here...
So for those who have been following my site, a little change. Since I realized my blogging is not just about music, I changed the name of the blog as well as the link.
So let's switch it up and join me here --> http://livinglife2live.blogspot.com/
All my previous post are imported and we are good to go! Happy Writing!
So let's switch it up and join me here --> http://livinglife2live.blogspot.com/
All my previous post are imported and we are good to go! Happy Writing!
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